3. Pharmacology
          3.9. Other Drugs
 3.9.2. Steroid

Comparison of steroid actions


The relative glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid actions of steriods

Gluco Mineral
Cortisol 1 1
Cortisone 0.7 1
Corticosterone 0.3 15
Prednisolone 4 0.8
Aldosterone 0.3 3000
Deoxycorticosterone 0.2 100
Fludrocortisone 10 125
Dexamethasone 25 0



The relative glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid actions of steriods

Gluco Mineral
Cortisol 1 1
Cortisone 0.8 0.8
Corticosterone 0.3 15
Prednisone 4 0.8
Prednisolone 4 0.8
Methylprednisolone 5 Minimal
Aldosterone 0 500
Deoxycorticosterone Negligible 50
Fludrocortisone 15 150
Betamethasone 30 Negligible
Dexamethasone 30 Minimal

Table of contents  | Index