Non-respiratory function of lung
- Blood reservoir
- Blood filtration
- Metabolic
* Surfactant
* Protein synthesis
* Removal of proteases (alpha-1 antitrypsin)
* Carbohydrate metabolism
* Metabolism of vasoactive substances
- Immunological/protective function
* Alveolar macrophages
* IgA
- Heat regulation
- Facilitate speech
- Drug administration/elimination
Vasoactive compounds
- Angiotensin I is converted to angiotensin II
- Bradykinin is inactivated
- Serotinin is taken up
Lung removes and releases...
Lung partially removes from blood
- Prostaglandins
- Serotonin
- NE
- Ach
- Bradykinin
- Adenine nucleotides
Lung releases into blood
- Prostaglandins
- Histamine
- Kallikrein