4.2. Measurements
4.2.1. Humidity measurement

Humidity measurement

[Ref: DK5:p128-130]

Hygrometer - instruments measuring humidity


Hair hygrometer

Principle: Hair gets longer as humidity rises

Mechanism: increased humidity leads to increased breaking of hydrogen bonds which maintains the coiled structure of keratin.

Accuracy: Accurate for relative humidity 30%-90%

Advantage: simplicity

Wet and dry bulb hygrometer


Relative humidity affects rate of evaporation of water.

Temperature differences between the two bulbs are due to evaporation of water, which depends on the relative humidity.


2 mercury thermometer. Wet one reads temperature of the wick (drenched in water). Dry one reads ambient temperature.

The bigger the temperature drop, the faster the evaporation, and the lower the relative humidity.


Dewpoint hygrometer

aka Regnault's hygrometer


Decrease in temperature
--> decrease in saturated vapour pressure

When SVP drops to or below actual vapour pressure
--> condensation forms

NB: The temperature at which this dew first appears is the dewpoint.


Other methods

Absolute humidity can also be determined by transducers, based on changes in electrical resistance or in capacitance of a substance as moisture is absorbed.

Mass spectrometry can measure the water content in excess of the saturation.

Keywords:  Humidity, measurement of ; Hygrometer

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