Conduction speed of cardiac action potential
Factors influencing conduction speed
Depends on
- Amplitude of the AP
- Rate of change in phase 0
- Level of RMP
i.e. higher amplitude, faster upstroke, and more negative RMP, all lead to increased conduction speed
Conduction speed slow in pacemaker tissues
Conduction speed in various cardiac tissues
- SA node - 0.05 m/s
- Atrial - 1 m/s
- AV node - 0.05 m/s
- Bundle of His - 1 m/s
- Purkinje system - 1-4 m/s
- Ventricular muscle - 1 m/s
Order of excitation
1. Interventricular septum (except for basal portion) and papillary muscles
- Rigid septum serves as anchor point
- Papillary muscle contraction prevents eversion of AV valves
2. From endocardium to epicardium
- Because RV is thinner, right epicardium is depolarised earlier than left epicardium
3. Last to be excited: posterior basal epicardial regions and a small area in basal portion of interventricular septum
- Electrical activation:
* RA --> LA
* LV --> RV
- But because pressure is lower in pulmonary artery
--> RV ejection is before LV ejction
* [WG21:p568]
- During inspiration: aortic valve close before pulmonary valve
- During expiration: AV and PV close about the same time
- Last part to be depolarised is the epicardial surface of the left venticular wall at the base of the heart
* [KB2:p87]