3. Physiology
        3.6. Haematology
            3.6.1. Blood cells Red blood cells

Red blood cells


Basic characteristics of RBC

Normal values

Red blood cell count
= 5.4 million/microliter in male
= 4.8 million/microliter in female

Total red blood cell in average men
= 3 x 10^13 RBC in circulation
= 900g of Hb


Different measurements of RBC/Hb quantity

RBC fragility

At normal fragility,

Fragility is increased in

Formation of RBC


--> Basophilic erythroblast
--> Polychromatic erythroblast
--> Pyknotic erythroblast
--> Reticulocytes enters circulation

Reticulocyte still has some RNA and is capable of synthesizing Hb

Metabolism in RBC

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