Inhaled anaesthetic agents
[Ref: SH4:p43]
- Only HAL and SEVO are not stable in soda lime at 40 degrees
- HAL and SEVO are non-pungent
- Only HAL requires preservative
Carbon monoxide production
Carbon monoxide is produced when AA degrades during interaction with the strong base in desiccated carbon dioxide absorber
- DES produces the highest carbon monoxide
- Then ENF and ISO
- Negligible with HAL and SEVO
Blood:gas partition coefficient
- N2O = 0.46
- HAL = 2.54
- ENF = 1.90
- ISO = 1.46
- DES = 0.42
- SEVO = 0.69
- Xenon = 0.115
MAC values
- N2O = 104%
- HAL = 0.75%
- ENF = 1.63%
- ISO = 1.17%
- DES = 6.6%
- SEVO = 1.80%
- Xenon = 63-71%
Molecular weight
- N2O = 44
- HAL = 197
- ENF = 184
- ISO = 184
- DES = 168
- SEVO = 200
Boiling point (in degrees)
- N2O =
- HAL = 50.2
- ENF = 56.5
- ISO = 48.5
- DES = 22.8
- SEVO = 58.5
Vapour pressure at 20 degrees (mmHg)
- N2O = Gas
- HAL = 244 mmHg
- ENF = 172 mmHg
- ISO = 240 mmHg
- DES = 669 mmHg
- SEVO = 170 mmHg
Anaesthetic agents
[Ref: SH4:p43-p46]
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
- Low MW
* MW = 44
- Nonflammable
* But will support combustion
- Gas at room temperature
- Low potency
* MAC = 104%
- Low solubility
* Blood:gas = 0.46
Clinical relevance
- Analgesic
- Minimal skeletal muscle relaxation
- Increased incidence of PONV
- Small increase in P50
- Inactivate vitamin B12
- Mild sympathomimetic effect
Halothane (HAL)
- Halogenated alkane derivative
* Alkane derivatives can enhance the dysrhythmogenic effects of epinephrine [SH4:p42]
- Clear, nonflammable liquid
- Intermediate solubility
* Blood:gas = 2.54
- High potency
* MAC = 0.75%
Requires thymol as preservative
* Thymol prevents spontaneous oxidative decomposition
* Thymol in vapouriser can cause vapouriser turnstiles to malfunction
Chemical structure
- Carbon-fluorine bond decrease flammability
- Trifluorocarbon increase stability
- Carbon-chlorine and carbon-bromine bond with a hydrogen atom
--> Ensures anaesthetic potency
- Susceptible to decomposition to:
* Hydrochloric acid
* Hydrobromic acid
* Chloride
* Bromide
* Phosgene
- Bromide is a potent sedative
Enflurane (ENF)
- Halogenated methyl ethyl ether
- Isomer of ISO
* Manufactured from chlorotrifluoroethylene
- Clear, nonflammable liquid at room temperature
- Pungent odour
- Intermediate solubility
* Blood:gas = 1.90
- High potency
* MAC = 1.63%
- (???) Good analgesia at subanaesthetic dose
Isoflurane (ISO)
- Halogenated methyl ethyl ether
- Isomer of ENF
* Manufactured from 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol
- Clear, nonflammable liquid at room temperature
- Pungent odour
- Intermediate solubility
* Blood:gas = 1.46
- High potency
* MAC = 1.17%
- Extremely stable
* No detectable deterioration after 5 years of storage
* No detectable deterioration on exposure to CO2 absorbents or sunlight
- [SH4:p58] Iso may have mild beta-adrenergic agonist property (but not supported by animal data)
- Fluorinated methyl ethyl ether
- Differ from iso by substitution of a fluorine for chlorine on alpha-ethyl of iso
Chemical structure
Fluorinate (rather than chlorination) causes
- Increased vapour pressure
* Less intermolecular attraction
* Vapour pressure at 20 degrees is 669 mmHg (cf. 240 mmHg for iso)
- Increased stability
* Much less metabolism
- Decreased potency
* MAC = 6.6% (cf. 1.17% for iso)
- Low solubility
* Blood:gas = 0.42
- Requires a special heated and pressurised vapouriser which requires electricity
- Pungent smell
* Cannot be used for gas induction
Clinical relevance
- Increased incidence of salivation, breath-holding, coughing, or laryngospasm when >6% inspired des is used in an awake patient
- Produces highest level of carbon monoxide (of all AAs) when reacting with the strong base in carbon dioxide absorber
- Fluorinated methyl isopropyl ether
- Low solubility
* Blood:gas = 0.69
- High potency
* MAC = 1.80%
Clinical relevance
- Fast induction and recovery
- Nonpungent
- Least degree of airway irritation of all AAs
Metabolism and degradation
- More vulnerable to metabolism
* 3-5% metabolised
- Metabolites include
* Inorganic fluoride
* Hexafluoroisopropanol
- Cannot undergo metabolism to form acyl halide
--> Cannot stimulation formation of anti-trifluoroacetylated protein antibodies
--> Cannot produce hepatitis
* Unlike HAL, ENF, ISO, and DES
- Least likely to form carbon monoxide with strong base in carbon dioxide absorber
- Can degrade in presence of the strong bases in carbon dioxide absorber
--> Fluoromethyl-2,2-difluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl) vinyl-ether (Compound A)
- Compound A is a dose-dependent nephrotoxin in rats
--> Causes renal proximal tubular injury
Prepared by fractional distillation of atmospheric air
- Low potency
* MAC = 63 to 71%
* cf. MAC for N2O = 104%
* MAC is lower in females
- Very low solubility
* Blood:gas = 0.115
- Nonexplosive, nonpungent, odourless
- Chemically inert
* Low toxicity and metabolism
Clinical relevance
- Recovery is very fast
- Potent hypnotic and analgesia
- Does NOT produce haemodynamic depression in adult
- No effect on muscle relaxant effect (rocuronium)
- Some antagonist effect at NMDA receptors (like ketamine)
--> May be neuroprotective
- No action on dopaminergic pathways
- Can cause air bubble expansion like N2O
- Does NOT trigger malignant hyperthermia