[Ref: SH4:p51]
This increase in HR is prevented by a small dose of opioid
With ISO, the increase in HR is:
* Blunted in elderly
* More likely to occur in younger patients
All AA (except N2O) decrease cardiac output by 15-30%
Increase in HR tend to compensate for the decrease in cardiac output
N2O causes mild increase in cardiac output
* Possibly due to mild sympathomimetic effect of N2O
--> Indicator of central venous pressure
HAL, ISO, and DES all increase RAP
* Due to myocardial depression
* Peripheral vasodilating effect may minimise the increase in RAP
N2O increases RAP
* Possibly due to increased pulmonary vascular resistance due to sympathomimetic effect
Implications include:
* Excess perfusion relative to O2 requirement
* Loss of body heat
* Enhanced drug delivery to neuromuscular junctions
Peripheral vasodilation:
After 5 hours, cardiac output recovers from the cardiac depressant effects of AA
HR is increased and SVR is decreased
--> BP unchanged
This recovery is
Alkane derivative (e.g. HAL)
--> Decreases the dose of epinephrine necessary to evoke ventricular cardiac arrhythmia
Ether derivatives (e.g. ENF, ISO, DES, SEVO)
--> Minimal effect
Both HAL and ISO
* Slow the rate of SA node discharge
* Prolong His bundle and ventricular conduction time
ISO increases refractory of accessory pathways
--> Interfer with postablation studies
SEVO has almost no effect on AV or accessory pathways
--> Acceptable for ablation procedures
Spontaneous breathing during anaesthesia has 2 effects relevant to CVS
During spontaneous breathing
AA causes coronary vasodilation
* Preferentially dilates vessels with diameters from 20 microm to 50 microm
Coronary steal syndrome is not clinically significant
* All AA (including ISO) are cardioprotective
* [SH4:56]
Abrupt increase in ISO and DES (from 0.55 to 1.66 MAC)
--> Sympathetic stimulation and increase renin-angiotensin activity
--> Increased HR and MAP
* Greater increase with DES
* Blunted by fentanyl, esmolol, and clonidine
Abrupt increase in SEVO
--> No neurocirculatory response
In patients with coronary artery disease,
* N2O produce myocardial depression which doesn't occur in patients without cardiac disease
Calcium channel blockers
--> Myocardial depression
--> More vulnerable to direct depressant effect of AA
Brief episodes on myocardial ischaemia
--> Offers protection against subsequent longer periods of ischaemia and infarct
Two phases
Release of adenosine
--> Binds to adenosine receptors
--> Increase protein kinase C activity
--> Phosphorylation of ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP)
--> Less sensitive to inhibition by ATP
--> More K+ current
--> Less Ca2+ accumulation and more hyperpolarization
--> More relaxation and mild negative inotropic effect
Brief exposure to ISO, SEVO, DES
--> Activate KATP channel
--> Cardioprotection identical to ischaemic preconditioning
Cardiac surgical patients receiving SEVO has less troponin I release in the first 24 hours than patients receiving propofol