1. Pharmacology
1.4. Cardiovascular drugs






competitive inhibitor of ace

afterload reduction, myocardial remodeling in CCF

reduce SVR, decrease BP, no increase in HR

Adverse effect:

well absorbed - bioavailibility 65%




prodrug via hepatic metabolism

hydrolysed in liver and kidney to active metabolite

elimination half life - 4-8 hrs

duration of effect 20hrs








Adverse effects:




N-acetyl cysteine can be used to loosen secretion



Verapamil and diltiazem acts on the inner gate of calcium channel

Nifedipine acts on the outer gate of calcium channel




Magnesium, calcium role in antiarrhythmia


Magnesium -


Used for ventricular arrhythmia

Blocks NMDA receptor

Inhibits release of Ach at NMJ (Calcium enhance release)

Inhibits release of NE and other neurotransmitters

Used in bone formation






Table of contents  | Bibliography  | Index